占星師簡歷 Astrologer Bio

Eli Poon
Cert. Astro (Astrosynthesis Australia)
主修西洋藝術史及文化研究,對人文學科、占星、神話及心理學極度好奇,並從中發現了廣闊多元的世界和人生觀。2015年創立雙星堂(Twin Star Astrology),提供占星及解夢的個人諮詢服務,幫助勇於坦誠面對生命的人了解自己的潛在本質,並尋找真正合適的人生發展方向。從遠古智慧到當代的心靈導航,占星學的流傳都在幫助人類認清自己在世上的位置和方向。
Studied Western art history and cultural studies, a forever curious learner of psychology, cosmology, myth, art and culture, initiated her astrological studies eventually in the midst of life. She discovered a much wider world under the stars, main research areas include philosophy of astrology and it's application to human life and individual consciousness. Founded Twin Star Astrology in 2015, providing personal consultations and workshops in astrology and dream interpretations. From ancient wisdom to contemporary know-how, the grace of astrology is to illuminate our path.
BA Art History, MA Cultural Studies (HKU)
Cert. Astro (Astrosynthesis Australia)
Horary & Medical Practitioner (School of Traditional Astrology)